The Community National Lottery is funding an Art Award Programme for 11-19 years-old in South Holland. Get in touch if you’d like to get involved
The Rock School Bus is a mobile music studio and performance venue on a modified double-decker bus, complete with fold down stage, state-of-the-art sound system and many electronic instruments and microphones. We provide music experiences for children, young people and adults in isolated, rural areas with the core belief that participating in music activities improves mental health and wellbeing.
Our team of musicians, facilitators and other creatives are all passionate about offering people the opportunities that we have had to experience music and develop interest and ability. We are very proud of the positive effect we are having on people’s lives. Rock School Bus is a Community Interest Company (not-for-profit).
The Rock School bus has a number of sessions open to the community.
We love to visit schools – we could be there for a day; for a celebration or school event or we could be there one day a week to provide your school with the most awesome music lessons!
We love parties, so matter what your age or occasion, you can book us to bring the Rock School Bus to you and have us all to yourselves!
We love to visit communities where we can drive onto a car park, playground or field (as long as it’s dry) and put down the stage for a few hours, play loud music and invite everyone to come on board and have a go. Warning: it gets noisy!
This is exactly what this area needs. We need music in our lives and what you are doing is brilliant.
Jess Horn
South Holland District Council Communities Team
My son gets so much out of working with RSB Youth Band. Amber and her team are brilliant at getting the best out of their young musicians. And they sound awesome!
Claudia Southwell
I have had such a good time I could cry. Really, I’ve got tears in my eyes.
Ted, 92
NHS Music for Mental Health sessions
Find out about our next events and join us!